K2 Spray Store Online was founded by Laura and Wouter in 2010 and the official website was launched in 2014.  Guided by the plants themselves, they began to build relationships with numerous indigenous communities that work with unique and powerful ethnobotanicals. The ultimate goal was to become the bridge that connected these wonderful plants with all of the people across the world who could benefit from them.

At its core, K2 Spray Store Online values the direct grower-to-consumer experience, ethically grown and harvested material, and fair and just pay for the communities who care for and provide the plants. Waking Herb’s dreams are bigger than itself and aspire to a future that supports both humans and nature through community and conservation based projects.

Company Founders

Wouter and Laura; founders of Waking Herbs travel the world in search of the freshest most potent ethnobotanicals. Parents of two lovely sons and a baby daughter (2021). Adventurous researchers, wisdom seekers, bridge builders, visionaries.

Our team in United Kingdom

René, he is dedicated to optimal customer service and many of your emails will be answered by him.

Jason; as design and art are his passion his focus is on branding, restyling the website, social media posts and more. Besides that he is an artist, painter and printmaker. In his art and educational projects he focusses on raising awareness and consciousness. Exactly what K2 Spray Store Online has as goals, what a great fit.

John; our IT Tech Engineer and all-round genius.
Eden; our other IT Tech Engineer (we feel so lucky to have two Engineers)
Jacqui; specialist in finance and administration
Nicole; is involved in all departments. She is the so called spider in the web.

Thomas; our latest member of the K2 Spray Store Online family. His focus is on customer service and blog posts. Together with his girlfriend he decided to roam through Canada.

Milton;  specialist in finding rare ethnobotanicals and brilliant in making contact with anyone. He loves travelling to remote indigenous tribes and share knowledge about plants. He is a true bringer of peace and love.

Gladis, Evelin, Fabricio and Julio; craftsmen and women who help us plant, nurture, harvest and process the plants.

Our team in United States of America

Philip; professional in the ethnobotanical market since 2009. Loves serving the plants and customers. Excellent service is key to him. He also is your contact for sales and wholesale. Father, storyteller and bridge builder.

Daniel; controls the warehouse and packs all your orders. He does this with passion, love and accuracy. Besides all that Daniel and Philip are brothers.

Tonny (mother of Philip and Daniel) packs your orders and prepack all the products.

Dave; makes all the photographs for the website and packs and ships your orders with a spark of love.

Morgan; our latest member of the K2 Spray Store Online family in Haarlem. His focus is on logistics and professionalizing the warehouse even more.

Fair Trade & Sustainability

We are more than sellers of medicinal plants. We have been growing thousands of plants together with various tribes. We work hard to grow more plants than we sell in order to expand humanities stock of natural ancient medicinal plants for future generations. And to create a sustainable source of income for our tribal friends. Our goal is to enable them to move away from destructive activities like lodging, cattle production and commercial agriculture on Amazonian soil.

We only work directly with indigenous groups and families and treat all involved in our business along fair trade guidelines to protect and defend our future and the high vibrations of the plants we love. We grow and harvest our products in close cooperation and agreement with Quechua, Chachi, Shuar, Katukina, Huitoto, Yacuna, Kanamari, Nukini, Ticuna, Tsachila, Yawanawa and Huarani communities.

Our guarantees

Because we live in Ecuador ourselves, we guarantee that the ethnobotanicals are ethically grown and sustainably harvested.

Because we play an active role in the community we guarantee that we share with and support the indigenous tribes.

Because we ship from The Netherlands, Europe, Australia and some ethnobotanicals from the USA and Canada we guarantee to provide professional shipping, discreet packaging and the best customer service.

Because we love what we’re doing, we guarantee to share this love. In gratitude.

Traditional Wisdom

Through our projects we support and work closely with small families who depend on natural resources for their own consumption and to make a living. They also want to share their traditional wisdom, health care and practices for building resistance.